Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why You Need SweetPea&Co.

First and foremost! Even if your business already has a Facebook, if it is not being maintained appropriately, your page is in danger of a few things. Someone could put up a negative comment which could be left there long enough for your fans to see it and form the wrong opinion about your business. Also, you run the risk of losing fans if they don't feel like they are engaged in your page. It either needs to be maintained right or taken down.

"Social Media isn't a conversation. It's where the conversation takes place." -Jay Baer of Convince and Convert. Just because you're on Facebook, it doesn't mean you're in the conversation. You have only entered a room where the conversation can take place.


So, now to get to other reasons you need SweetPea&Co. We can help you conquer Facebook successfully. We can teach you how to cross-post in a way that will be beneficial to your business. We can help you develop your tone as your business and use Facebook's Insights to help shape this. We can help you pinpoint your audience on Facebook.

But most importantly we can help you formulate a plan for your specific needs as a business owner on Facebook. For example, if you're thinking you don't have enough time to do it, we can give you some strategies to still have an engaging presence, but not take up hours of your time each day. If you're thinking you will never have enough things to take pictures or video of, there are ways we can suggest to help make your page remain visually stimulating without the need of a camera attached to your hand. Is your goal to replace email newsletters, print advertising and mailers about events with Facebook? We can help explore the world of Facebook Ads, events and updates! Do you want people to discover your website and blog through Facebook? We can help you give them a reason to go back and forth throughout the multiple online components of your business. If your goal is to enhance your searchability on google through Facebook then we have tips for you to help that as well. 

See? There are so many reasons that you need our services! We can answer so many questions and make your life on Facebook so much easier. We're looking forward to working with you.


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