Sunday, February 7, 2010

Facebook Insights: Something Pro-Business Pages (Not Profiles)

Facebook Insights is just another reason to make the switch from having your business operate as a profile (collecting friends) to a page (collecting fans).

Facebook Insights measures user exposure, actions and behavior relating to your Facebook Page. It helps you understand the activity on your page, your fans, and trends. Only page administrators can see this on the left side of the Facebook page.

The two most important things to pay attention to when looking at Insights are the Interactions and the Post Quality.

The "Interactions" section takes the number of times your fans write on your wall, comment on your posts, or like (clicks the "like" button) your content and adds them together. This is in turn a compilations of interactions between your fans and your page for the week.


"When you create compelling content, your fans may choose to interact with the material by commenting, liking, or writing on your Wall. These fans help to spread your content virally throughout Facebook, as their engagement leads to organic stories being published in their friends' News Feed." --Help Center Facebook Pages: Insights for your Facebook Page

Want to increase the number of interactions on your page? This is where SweetPea&Co. comes in, to help you achieve these three keys to success with your business page on Facebook...
1. Post things that are relevant to your fans/ engaging content
2. Posting frequently, but not too frequently (it's not Twitter)
3. Increase your fan base

A note on "Post Quality." This measures "how engaging your content is to Facebook users. A higher post quality indicates material that better engages fans." This measure "takes into account your number of posts, total fan interactions received, number of fans, as well as other factors." --Help Center Facebook Pages: Insights for your Facebook Page 


Want to increase your post quality? The steps are similar to those one should take to increase the number of interactions on their page, but SweetPea&Co can make sure that both are accomplished for your business Facebook page.
1. Make sure your posts are interesting and meaningful (whether they are posts, photos, videos or links)
2. Don't post low quality content. It's better to post more interesting posts (like ones with pictures, videos, etc.) less frequently, than to post less engaging material more frequently
3. Increase your fan base (again)

SweetPea&Co thinks that Facebook's Insights can really benefit those using a Facebook for their business. And we can help you increase your interactions and post quality! But remember, you can only use this to your advantage if you have a page, not a profile!!!


1 comment:

  1. Great article, Whitney! Good luck with your new business. Narrowing your focus to concentrate on Facebook pages is really smart. Be the big fish in the small pond, and the lake comes later.
